Why Scrape Oscaro.com ?

Oscaro is a leading auto parts retailer based in France, offering a wide range of products from car batteries to brake pads, spark plugs, and more. For businesses in the automotive industry, scraping data from Oscaro can provide valuable insights into pricing, product specifications, stock availability, and customer demand. This information can guide strategic decisions, from product development to pricing and marketing.

An important aspect to consider while scraping Oscaro.com is the presence of anti-bot mechanisms, specifically Cloudflare, deployed on the site to prevent automated data extraction. However, this shouldn't deter your data extraction efforts. Autom.dev is equipped with sophisticated technology capable of bypassing these anti-bot protections, including Cloudflare, allowing you to scrape data from Oscaro.com seamlessly.

Moreover, Oscaro's online presence makes it a treasure trove of data. By scraping this data, businesses and researchers can analyze trends in the auto parts market, understand customer preferences, and predict future demand.

What Will We Scrape ?

We will scrape the following product data from Oscaro.com:

  • Product ID
  • Availability
  • Category
  • In Stock
  • Price
  • Available Warehouses
  • Quantity
  • Delivery Promises
  • Total Available
  • Product Specifications such as voltage, storage capacity, height, cold test current, width, pole layout, supplier range, terminal type, mounting flange, length, and tray type.

Example for Scraping Product Data from Oscaro.com

Request :

curl --location --request GET 'https://autom.dev/api/v1/oscaro/product?query=https://www.oscaro.com/batterie-bosch-0-092-s4e-130-11599656-2585-p' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: <token>'
curl --location --request GET 'https://autom.dev/api/v1/oscaro/product?query=https://www.oscaro.com/batterie-bosch-0-092-s4e-130-11599656-2585-p' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: <token>'

Response :

  "article_id": 11599656,
  "available": true,
  "category": "C",
  "in_stock": false,
  "price" : "189,50€"
  "available_warehouses": [100],
  "quantity": 17,
  "delivery_promises": {
    "min": "2023-05-25T16:30:00Z",
    "max": "2023-05-27T16:30:00Z",
    "delivery_from": "jeu. 25 mai"
  "total_available": 17,
  "specifications": {
    "voltage": "12 V",
    "storage_capacity": "95 Ah",
    "product_range": "Start and Stop EFB",
    "height": "190 mm",
    "cold_test_current": "850 A",
    "width": "175 mm",
    "pole_layout": "0",
    "supplier_range": "S4E",
    "terminal_type": "1",
    "mounting_flange": "B13",
    "length": "353 mm",
    "tray_type": "L5"
  "article_id": 11599656,
  "available": true,
  "category": "C",
  "in_stock": false,
  "price" : "189,50€"
  "available_warehouses": [100],
  "quantity": 17,
  "delivery_promises": {
    "min": "2023-05-25T16:30:00Z",
    "max": "2023-05-27T16:30:00Z",
    "delivery_from": "jeu. 25 mai"
  "total_available": 17,
  "specifications": {
    "voltage": "12 V",
    "storage_capacity": "95 Ah",
    "product_range": "Start and Stop EFB",
    "height": "190 mm",
    "cold_test_current": "850 A",
    "width": "175 mm",
    "pole_layout": "0",
    "supplier_range": "S4E",
    "terminal_type": "1",
    "mounting_flange": "B13",
    "length": "353 mm",
    "tray_type": "L5"